Fredal Orthodontics offers a number of other services to our patients. From dentofacial orthopedics to airway orthodontics, our Shelby Township, MI dental team can help you maintain.

Airway Orthodontics

Innovative solutions for obstructive sleep apnea.

Airway health is an important aspect of your child’s growth and development. If their airway is constricted you might notice:

These symptoms can impact your child’s mood, sleep patterns, and overall behavior.

In addition to comprehensive orthodontics, Dr. Fredal is committed to providing advanced treatment methods for airway dysfunction. At our practice, every patient, regardless of age, undergoes an i-CAT CBCT scan (3D x-ray) to evaluate common symptoms of sleep apnea.

If a child under the age of 12 shows signs of a decreased airway, Dr. Fredal can perform a protocol to improve breathing and overall health.

Dentofacial Orthopedics

In addition to orthodontics, Dr. Fredal is well-versed in dentofacial orthopedics, which involves correcting facial and jaw bone growth to fix imbalances and aid in realignment. Dentofacial orthopedics addresses under- and overbites, crossbites, and even jaw size. These issues are best addressed in childhood, when the bones are still moving and growing. We can even use dentofacial orthopedics prior to or alongside orthodontic treatment to achieve ideal spacing and alignment.

If you or your child have a misaligned bite or other jawbone alignment issues, talk with our team. We will go through the details of dentofacial orthopedics and if they’re right for your needs.

Digital Impressions

No matter the treatment you come to us for, we always aim to make your experience as comfortable as possible. That’s why we take digital impressions when developing a treatment plan. Rather than using a tray filled with goopy impression material to get a model of your teeth, we use state-of-the-art technology to get detailed images. These images of the individual teeth as well as your overall bite give us a replica to use when deciding on the right treatment for you.

If you’re ready to be on the path to a more beautiful smile and a healthier you, call Fredal Orthodontics today. Our team looks forward to consulting with you on your smile and health goals and working together to find the right solutions.

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